Thursday 14 May 2015

Orchidaceae - Orchis mascula - Early Purple Orchid

Quite a few spikes of these in a relatively small area at the start of Bonsai Bank, Denge Wood on the 10th of May 2015.

Orchidaceae - Orchis purpurea - Lady Orchid

There were hundreds of Lady Orchids coming into flower - so strange that it is only found in Southern England and that it is so rare outside Kent. Here is one spike in bud.

And here is one opening out, with perhaps one rather drunken "lady".

Betulaceae - Corylus avellana - Common Hazel

Sometimes you get these purple marks in the middle of hazel leaves. Early in the season? Why?

Geraniaceae - Geranium Robertianum - Herb Robert

Lovely long silky hairs on the calyx. flowers always in twos.

Lamiaceae - Lamium galeobdolon - Yellow Archangel

Silky hairs obvious on the upper lips, as well as on the leaves.